In Front of the Apartment Score: 0 Moves: 1
This is the address: Neil deMause's apartment, somewhere in this maze called
New York City. What dreadful weather for your first visit to the place! But the
door is locked, and no one seems to be home. You stand shivering in the fog
until you notice a rather frightening jack-o-lantern here on the stoop.
The Pumpkin
An Interactive Story hastily written by Andrew Schepler
Release 1 / Serial number 981029 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/7
In Front of the Apartment
It's rather chilly at this time of night, and you would rather be inside. You
can't seem to avoid the gaze of the carved pumpkin that sits here. The front
door is to the north.
The jack o'lantern sits on the stoop with its evil grin.