As the Great Gate slams behind you, its mechanism automatically locking, you breathe a sigh of relief. All you need to do now is cross the bridge, turn the corner, head down a short tunnel and then you'll be out of these caves forever (and rich too!). The monsters are defeated, their treasures plundered... and some bastard troll is BLOCKING YOUR WAY?!?!. [Footnote 1] If only you hadn't used your Frobozz Magic Napalm on that ice wall... If only you hadn't used your TrolKil (*Tm) to map that maze... If only you hadn't sold your Frobozz Magic Tinning Kit. If only you hadn't cooked and eaten those three Billy Goats Gruff... ... or that bear ... If ONLY you'd checked the bloody bridge on your way in. Still, you've survived worse, and there's no turning back now, since you left the key to the Great Gate counterbalancing Yet Another Annoying Deathtrap. After all, you only have to kill something that's technically unkillable, and how hard could that possibly be? [Footnote 2] Enlightenment *** MORE ***
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